3M Carton Sealing Equipment
3M understands that your shipping needs depend largely on your product line. Basic Packaging Supply offer two types of 3M carton sealer models - random and uniform types. Random case sealer models use top/bottom or side belt drives, moving about 15 packages each minute. When you select a 3M case sealer, it must produce the results you need to grow and adapt to a busy business environment.
For a highly efficient and adaptable sealing machine, the 3M 7000R case sealer, for example, allows you to package random case sizes with tape widths ranging from 36 to 72 millimeters wide. There is no adjustments to be made between cases, based on size, making these random case sealers fast and effective for every day, high-volume shipping needs. For businesses with a specialized product line, uniform case sealers are available. While maintaining the same package shape, sealers can tape the top and bottom, or simply the bottom seam. Take a look at our sealing options to find the right solution for your needs.